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Thank you to everyone who made recruitment for Fall 2022 unforgettable. We are so grateful that we could connect with so many potential new members, and were able to get an amazing new member class. 

 AXO is excited to welcome incoming Wildcats into FSL this year. We cannot wait to meet you at formal recruitment in Fall 2023!


Olivia Secontine

Vice President of Recruitment

Dear PNMs,


I am so excited to meet you all during formal recruitment this fall!


Panhel, along with all the chapters here at UNH have been working extra hard this summer to make sure this is the best experience for you all. 


As I look back at my freshman year, I was excited yet so nervous to be going through recruitment. I know it can seem overwhelming at first, but going through formal recruitment was the best decision I’ve made here at UNH. I am so grateful for the lifelong friends I’ve met through FSL and I can’t wait to be in this position to help you all have the same experience. 


Remember, be yourself, and have fun during this week!



      Liv Secontine 


Caroline Susko

VP New Member Education

Hi PNMs! 

I hope you all are enjoying your summer! We’re so excited to welcome you to UNH this upcoming fall, as you begin to make it your home away from home. Coming to UNH not knowing anyone, I was scared and overwhelmed that I wouldn’t be ablweto find my people. However, AXO quickly changed that as they welcomed me with open arms. The second I met them, I felt so understood and knew an everlasting bond would be created. 


Flash forward to this upcoming fall and it will be my senior year!  Looking back, I couldn’t imagine my life without Alpha Chi as it has given me lifelong friends and much more! Your college years go by so fast, make the most of them🤍 



The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega are so excited to meet you all in a few short weeks. I couldn’t be more excited to meet the new member class and guide you through months of sisterhood! My assistant, Haley, and I have been planning many fun exciting events and bonding opportunities to make AXO feel like home! 


We are counting down the days until we meet you! Until then enjoy your summer, and we’ll see you in Durham!



Caroline Susko 

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Jaime Bartalini

VP Recruitment Information


My name is Jaime, and I am the Vice President of Recruitment Information for Alpha Chi Omega. My freshman year began with many nerves about making new friends, keeping up with my classes, and moving away from home for the first time. I was inspired by FSL’s presence on campus and its tight-knit community. I figured I would give going through recruitment a shot with the hopes of making friends who shared the same interests and values that I do. I am grateful that I found just that here at Alpha Chi! I even got the courage to run for a position on our executive board during my junior year, which I would have never been brave enough to do when I first arrived on campus. Alpha Chi has opened so many new doors for me including traveling to our headquarters in Indiana for leadership training with some of our sisters. It’s hard to believe that I am now a senior, and my time at 29 Madbury Road is coming to an end. Good luck & I can’t wait to meet

you all!!❤️"


Register for Fall 2023 Recruitment!

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